Abel Eli Harrison


Our little boy Abel Eli Harrison was born yesterday at 10:03 weighing a hefty 9lbs 1oz (which is a common occurrence in Phoebe’s family). Pheebs did a sterling job in getting him out after a 22 hour labor which took it’s toll on the both of us (but mainly Pheebs!). I guess they don’t call it labor for nothing and it’ll certainly give Pheebs something to discuss with her NCT friends. It was a beautiful yet terrifying experience for us both and for one split second I thought I’d lost my beautiful wife when Abel popped out as she hemorrhaged quite badly and lots (and I mean lots) of doctors and nurses rushed into the room to do their job of sorting it out. Thankfully they did a fantastic job and things were under control pretty quickly. Once things were sorted we both started to get to know our little fella and it’s certainly going to be a beautiful and challenging experience bringing him up! 🙂

I’d like to say a big thank you to all the midwifes and staff at the Basingstoke Hospital Maternity ward for helping deliver Abel and look after Pheebs. A big special thank you should go to our dedicated midwifes Trudy and Mandy who stayed with us during the delivery!

Little monky