After crawling off the coach trying taking my bottom into working again we were greeted with the usual smiling faces offering to take us to a hotel of their choice. After picking one or rather one of theirs picked us he tried taking us to a hotel and after repeating several times we managed to get to the Pirn travel hotel which was quite pleasant at 200 rupees for a night for a double room. After feeling and drinking beer we managed to collapse until about 9.30pm when I awoke and popped my maleria tablets which did not last long as I hadn’t eaten anything. after which we walked to a restaurant down the road and had ice cream cause it was the only thing that we could face eating. We then walked back to the hotel and got some more water and ice cream before watching TV for 10 minutes whilst eating the ice cream. We then went to sleep again. I think its cave time tomorrow….. should be interesting!