Woke up with smiley face next to me. We got up and had breakfast. We then attempted to go to the big market but we were not able due to the King coronation. The 6 lane (3×3) roads were blocked as the entire Thai army was on show which was quite a sight. We watched for a while and then went for a short walk. We eventually gave up and went back via the supermarket. Me and Debs went out briefly and on our return my tum gave me gyp. This meant a dash to the toilet and following this several more trips to the toilet. Following this I went into postcard writing mode! I finished and wrote some letters also. We then went out for dinner and we all started drinking. A bit later Debs and I were quite pissed by now and I phoned home and then we drank some more whilst watching Pulp Fiction (again). We then all went to bed after drinking plenty of water.