Live Upgrade 10 FCS -> Solaris 10 01/06

I ran into a couple of problems whilst upgrading Solaris 10 so I’d thought I’d share:

Upgrading Solaris 10 FCS to Solaris 10 01/06

My usual way of using live upgrade between the releases is as follows:

pkgrm SUNWlur SUNWluu

pkgadd -d . SUNWlur SUNWluu

lucreate -c sol10 -n sol10_106 -m /:d100:ufs,mirror -m /:d1:ufs,detach,attach,preserve

luupgrade -u -n sol10_106 -s

cd /var/tmp
unzip -q
luupgrade -t -n sol10_106 -s /var/tmp/10_recommended_patch_order

luactivate sol10_106

init 6

However the following happens with Solaris 10 FCS:

* You can’t use the detach, attach preserve due to bug 5106987 as it’ll complain about d100 not existing. The workaround is to detach the sub mirror first and create a new mirror.

bash-3.00# luupgrade -u -n 10_106 -s /net/rangdo/export/fcs/os/10_106

Validating the contents of the media .
The media is a standard Solaris media.
The media contains an operating system upgrade image.
The media contains version <10>.
Constructing upgrade profile to use.
Locating the operating system upgrade program.
Checking for existence of previously scheduled Live Upgrade requests.
Creating upgrade profile for BE <10_106>.
Determining packages to install or upgrade for BE <10_106>.
Performing the operating system upgrade of the BE <10_106>.
CAUTION: Interrupting this process may leave the boot environment unstable
or unbootable.
/usr/sbin/luupgrade[677]: 6487 Killed
ERROR: Installation of the packages from this media of the media failed; pfinstall returned these diagnostics:

Processing profile pfinstall: fatal: relocation error: file /net/rangdo/export/fcs/os/10_106/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot/usr/snadm/lib/ symbol zonecfg_set_root: referenced symbol not found
The Solaris upgrade of the boot environment <10_106> failed.

* Ok, you’ve hit bug 6334277, but it looks like the srdb 72099 – Solaris[TM] Live Upgrade Software: Minimum Patch Requirements has been updated to contain the required patches to need to get round it!

119254-13 or higher patchadd/patchrm patches
119317-01 or higher SVr4 Packaging Commands (usr) Patch
120900-03 or higher SUNWzoneu required patch
121333-02 or higher SUNWzoneu required patch
121430-02 or higher SUNWlur/SUNWluu required for S10
120235-01 or higher SUNWluzone required patches
121428-01 or higher SUNWluzone required patches

I usually make sure the recommended patch cluster is installed first before installing the above. Some of these are T-patches which you’ll have to download from Sunsolve.

Once the patches are installed you should be able to upgrade smoothly.