Galapagos Islands (PTO Ayora)

Woke up quite early and well before the alarm went off to the gentle rocking of Sagitta with Pheebs in the top bunk! (I had the luxury of the bottom double bunk!) We got up and went to the dinning room for breakfast. After which our guide Alex told us…

Quito (Old Town) to Galapagos Islands

The alarm woke us up and we got our things sorted before heading downstairs for our private taxi. The taxi then proceeded to drive like a maniac to the airport (and which most drivers drive like idiots anyway). However as the fare was $5 and we did not have any…

Quito (Old Town)

Got up and had breakfast at the hotel (once we had realised it was with the room!) Not long after Pheebs ate the eggs she ran off feeling unwell! Finished my breakfast and chatted to the Americans who were sat next to me. After some lengthy conversations I checked on…

Quito (Old Town)

Got up and had a sort of shower once we had worked out how it worked! After that we had to check our bank balance after we failed to get money from the ATM last night. Luckily Pheebs Barclaycard worked! We managed to find a internet cafĂ© to check things…

Quito (New Town to Old Town)

Woke up and eventually got out of bed. Checked the laundry but it was not ready so we had breakfast instead. Afterwards we chilled out in the hotel room as check out was not until 2pm. After some chilling out I went to check if the laundry was ready which…