Getting an allotment

Can’t believe it, after 2 1/2 years on the council allotment waiting list, we received a letter in the post to notify us that there is a vacancy for a plot… without delay I phoned up to confirm that we’d like to accept the councils offer!…

Happy birthday to my wife

Happy Birthday to my wife Phoebe who celebrated her 32nd birthday today. As a treat we’re going to have a day off on Friday to head somewhere nice together.…

Camping with the boys

Surprisingly enough, I managed to escape the wife (only joking, she had college work to complete for her pending degree exam so would have been in the way!) for a weekend to go camping with the boys in the New Forest. Again, we opted forHurst View in the New Forest…

Upgrade to WordPress 3.0

Yep, and again, another upgrade of WordPress on but this time using the automatic upgrade plugin which grabs the latest version from the main wordpress website and does all the necessary backups, pluging disabling, code upgrading etc etc.…

A week in Tuscany

Pheebs and I just enjoyed our short but sweet honeymoon to Tuscany, Italy where we stayed in a private villa in Lucolena near Florance. The villa was called Casetta Busecchio and booked through To-Tuscany who specialise in Villa’s all over Italy. Ours was in the middle of no where…