Brassington BBQ

Made a trip up to Bicester to see the Brassington’s for their house warming/annual BBQ which was cool as neither of us had seem them for a long time. Although the weather was poor it didn’t detract us from stuffing our faces with the food made available…

Axe Sharpening

Managed to find this interesting article about sharpening an axe as the two I’ve got aren’t up to the job of chopping the small pile of logs which Ed gave me over a year ago. Once I’ve managed to chop them up, I can then stack them…

The Shed Comes Down

Had some spare time to finally take down the shed that’s been sitting in the yard for while! Actually it was quite easy as most of the wood was rotten. The most difficult and tiring thing was moving all the rubble to the front garden before making a total…

Door Stripping

Finally got round to taking the doors off upstairs and got them stripped at Guildford Door Stripping. Managed to drop them off the day before and then pick them up at Lunch whilst I was unfortunately working the weekend. Still, they certainly do make a difference once back in place!…

An Afternoon at Chelsea

Mum, Dad, Phoebe’s and I paid a visit to Chelsea and the world famous flower show as none of us had ever been before. I think we were expecting a fairly quiet afternoon concidering it was a memembers afternoon but we were sure wrong……it was absolutely heaving! 🙁 Still,…