Further adventures in shelf building....

It’s been another busy weekend with DIY again and this time it was building the shelves in the chimney alcoves in the front room. Again this was completed using 2×1 batten and screwed into the wall using raw-plugs. The shelf boards were brought from B&Q and…

At last the shower gets fitted.....

Once I’d managed to re-plaster the wall again on the friday evening and let it set (I used new one coat plaster instead of the two year old stuff dad lent me!), I had a base with which to start tiling onto. B & Q had standard 6″ x…

Back to Karate training

Finally got back off my arse and went back to the SSKA (Southern Shotokan Karate Association) after 7 years away. I did got to some other clubs since though but the last time I trained was back in 2005! Ouch, all I can say is that I felt it the…

A spot of Tiling

So, what happens when you try and remove 4 rows of old bathroom tiles from the wall…..err it pulls off the old plaster from the lathe & plaster wall. Whoops, so after removing what’s left of the plaster and lathes, a small piece of plaster board was nailed…

A spot of rewiring.....

Behind the TV are 2 x double sockets, a feed for the Sky dish and an extension lead from the other side of the room where the telephone box is located. I thought it would be wise to bring the phone socket over to behind the TV so I can…