Happy Smurfday Sarah

Ah, happy birthday to Sarah as she enjoyed her first birthday and congratulations to Lucy for making the cake! 🙂…

Taking the bird to Birdworld

Oh yes, I took my bird (tee hee, pun intended) to Birdworld over Farnham way as we both had a day off work which was cool. Wandered around a fairly quiet site seeing the various birds with our bag of birdseed and tub of dried milworms. Pheebs spent most of…

House buying time

Yep, that’s right, I got a mortgage offer and then found a house in Blasingsmoke which then had an offer accepted! 🙂 Blimely now I’m scared at this house buying milarky. Got to go through getting surveys, quotes for repairs all before I depart off to Vegas on business…

A short trip to Wisley

Took Pheebs to visit Wisley Gardens as she managed to have a free weekend off from College. The new glass house was interesting to wander around but probably needs a little time to “wear in” as it has that far too new feel to it. The allotment area was excellent…

Upgrade to Wordpress 2.2.2

I’ve upgraded to WordPress 2.2.2 of which details can be found here. Always follow the instructions and ALWAYS TAKE A BACKUP.…