Further dining room cabinet progress

Having spent some more time on the dining room cabinet project, I’ve made some progress in finally getting the doors glued together and attached via hinges to the cabinets themselves. It’s certainly been tricky as the cabinets aren’t exactly contracted with 90 degree angles! That’s mainly…

Kitchen Window

With some help from John (my father-in-law), we’ve managed to fit a new window in the kitchen roof. The reason for this is that we’re going to block up the back door in preparation for a new kitchen which will allow us more space and light in the…

Bedroom shelves

Finally got round to sorting out the alcove shelves in our bedroom which Phoebe has been waiting for a while. 😉 It was slightly challanging due to manhandling the 40mm MDF I was using which I’d also used downstairs for the dining room cabinets! The shelves were attached to the…

Potting bench for the allotment greenhouse

Using some left over wood, I constructed a simple potting bench to go into our new allotment greenhouse. Hopefully it’ll get some use next year when we start getting the crop ready for planting in the spring. 😉…

Fencing complete

I’ve now managed to finish erecting the other fence panel in our back yard which looks much better than the corrugated iron panel one before. Michael (Next Door Neighbour) and I also managed to fit their new fence panel as well, so we both have some additional privacy and…