The usual happened, woke up, got the car and sped off into town and had breakfast. We visited the waterfall, the stuffed monk and some cemetery. It was quite a fun day. We visited Na Tham and I nearly crashed into a mad man on a bike! Oh well, We…
Sleep OK considering! Had breakfast and then sat all day on the beach reading etc. I think we might have come into town later that day but I cannot remember. We did decide to rent a jeep and went into churning beach and Charlotte and I had a few drinks…
Well not the best of my days away from home but never the less an eventful one. I woke up with Debbie hammering on the door and decided to go for a swim. Not such good idea. Anyway Charlotte got stuck on the rocks and being boy I tried to…
We caught another bus to take us to the ferry and it only took l hr before. We walked onto the ferry and had a pleasant boat trip to the Island! When we got there it started to rain and we got our free taxi to the beach side huts…
Woke up about 8ish and we all got a rickshaw to the station so we could try and get the train to the little Island of Koh Samui. We tried but eventually got lead to a travel shop and got a VIP coach which cost about 650 bart. We then…