After crawling off the coach trying taking my bottom into working again we were greeted with the usual smiling faces offering to take us to a hotel of their choice. After picking one or rather one of theirs picked us he tried taking us to a hotel and after repeating…
After having a few winks of sleep we woke up and decided to try and get out of the city (after all it’s a dump it makes Manchester look like heaven!) We managed to find a travel place and got ourselves on a bus to Aurangabad. After which we…
Woke up got changed and headed up to the roof for breakfast. After which we headed up to the palace. The place was quite nice and large (couldn’t think of a good word!) Walked around the main palace and the Queens palace which had 1922 Rolls Royce of which…
After not sleeping much, we made it through the night to Udiapur which is a quiet town of only 230,000 people compared to the million populated cities of India. After we stepped off the bus we got a ricksaw to hotel near the lake and after filling out the…
Woke up not feeling too good, tried to have breakfast but had to dash off to the toilet due to WS (Whirly squirts) and again felt completely drained. Went for a swim which made me feel slightly better and then headed off into town. Went into a clothes hut thing…