The Summer Ball 2006

From missing James ball last time due to another friends stag do I wasn’t going to miss it this year. The theme this time was “A night at the Oscars” so an expensive purchase at M & S later I was dressed for the occasion. Once we were all suited and booted Pheebs, Matt and myself were picked up by Matt’s Dad (Thanks Ian for the lift!) and driven to Aldershot Officers Club where the red carpet awaited us. Now this was a new experience… we had pretend paparazzi waiting for us pretend movie stars wanting pictures and autographs! 🙂 I had to sign but told the riff raff to go away as we made our way inside for the awaiting champagne flutes!…..burp….

Summer Ball 2006

We mingled outside with James M & D and friends before sitting down for dinner….although we did have to wait along time before being allowed up for the buffet. Still the booze was cheap and the company good. This years treat was a cabaret which was quite entertaining but went on too long and there was no dodgems which was a shame. Still the evening was amusing and well worth the experience of dressing up. Perhaps we should have waited for the early 3am breakfast instead of going home! 🙂