* Henry's Weight - Charting the year.....
* Changed to moderate calorie diet end of Jan 10.
%TABLE{name="Henry's Weight" cellpadding="2" tableborder="1" cellspacing="0" tablewidth="200" headerbg="#C5D5A9" headercolor="#000000" tableframe="border" databg="#FFFFCC,#FFFFFF" dataalign="center"}% %EDITTABLE{format="|number|number"}% | *Date* | *Weight (kgs)* | | 13/12/08 | 5.9 | | 17/02/09 | 5.5 | | 14/04/09 | 5.7 | | 17/05/09 | 6.0 | | 05/06/09 | 6.2 | | 03/07/09 | 5.7 | | 13/07/09 | 6.0 | | 12/08/09 | 5.9 | | 01/09/09 | 6.0 | | 05/10/09 | 5.9 | | 06/11/09 | 6.0 | | 18/11/09 | 5.6 | | 12/12/09 | 5.8 | | 29/12/09 | 6.2 | | 19/02/10 | 5.7 | | 09/03/10 | 5.9 | | 20/03/10 | 5.8 | | 09/05/10 | 5.7 |
%CHART{ type="line" name="line1" datalabel="box" table="Henry's Weight" data="R2:C2..R15:C2" xaxis="R2:C1..R18:C1" legend="R1:C2..R1:C2" width="600" height="400" xlabel="Date of reading" yaxis="on" ylabel="Weight (kgs)" ymax="10.0" ymin="0" }%